Looking for Riveting Reading!
We will continue sending messages out by email periodically but the most important way to stay connected to the school community is by signing up to receive the weekly messages that are posted to the news section on our school website. The weekly messages are not emailed and are only posted to the school website. We recommend you subscribe. Click on this link to see a video on how to subscribe to receive the weekly message by email if you have not already done so : How To Subscribe to Weekly Messages
Cashless Schools
A convenient, secure online payment option from the comfort of your own home is now available. Click here for instructions.
Helpful Parent Links
How To Subscribe to Weekly Messages
Criminal Record Check (Passcode: 6APMFU9WKD)
MunchaLunch (Hot Lunch & PAC Fundraisers)
MyEducation BC (Report Cards)
Safe Arrival Program (Attendance)
SchoolCash Online (School Fees & Field Trips)
www.yourphotos.ca (School Photos)